A White rose is unique.
A red rose is beautiful.
A pink rose is dainty and so sweet,
but "a yellow rose," such tenderness,
Far, far beyond one's reach.
Each color represents such beauty and, "yes,"
So much love.
Only God's wisdom and ultimate power could
have created something so beautiful
and sent it from above.
When I see such loveliness,
my eyes can't help but stare.
I stop, look, and think to myself," Oh! How Beautiful!"
My hands reach out to touch, yes!
" A Yellow Rose," so soft and delicate,
yet so tender.

Copyright 2006 Lottie Mae Stearne

That Place

There is a place that extends above this Earth
A place where peace reigns, and love abounds.
A place where joy is consistent, praise is evident,
A place of praise where worship is prevailing.
It's a realm of serene tranquility, a pace of sweet rest and everlasting solitude.
There is a place way above the limits of your mind,
Deep within the depths of your soul,

There is a place that reaches the unknown,
Taps into the future, penetrating the atmosphere.
There is a place where your spirit will soar;
Your strength will be renewed, your mind refreshed, and your soul restored.
There is a place in your innermost being that yearns for relief and pants for the supernatural;

There is a place that you are drawn to, A place that you must reach,
A place far beyond your imagination.
There is a place that is calling, " Come up Higher,"
There is a place that I long to be; oh! How I long to be in that place;
Oh! How my soul thirsts for that place;
Lord! Jesus, take me there! Take me to the place that you have prepared for me,
That place where I long to be!

Copyright 2006 Lottie Mae Stearne

A New Vision

There was a child who went forth every day
Praising and worshipping God along the way
Questions filled her mind with every step
Looking up to Heaven, she cried, "Lord, I need Your help!"

What is the purpose of my existence, O Lord?
What is it that I fear?
Where is the light of Your glory that illuminates so bright?
Why does it seem like I continually dwell in the night?

My heart is filled with this deep, deep longing,
Pain; Discouragement; Resentment!
No sense of belonging.

Like a woman in travail, her spirit begins to wail,
" Lord, Lord! Please draw near!"
Like the sound of thunder, a voice was heard so plain and clear
" My dear daughter, Your Lord and Savior is here!"

There was a child who went forth every day
Communing with the Lord along the way
Words of thanks and words of praise
" Jesus, Jesus, I thank you for your Grace".

With a still, small voice, God spoke from within.
" Pray! Pray! My dear child, I have called and saved you from sin.
Prepare your heart and be ready to receive; You can have what you desire if you continue to believe."

There was a child who went forth every day
With a clear understanding, no longer in dismay
A brand new song now enters her mind
" Thank you, Lord, for being so kind."

A New Vision so vivid and crystal clear;
" I was made in His image; I do not need to fear.
I know that Jesus Christ has been with me right from the start
I solemnly decree that His love will stay in my heart

Finally, with great reverence and honor, more words sprung forth from within,
" I worship you, Father, for setting me free; I honor you, Jesus, for choosing me!"

Copyright 2006 Lottie Mae Stearne

I Believe

I believe that we should acknowledge God First

I believe that one cannot be truly happy without knowing who Jesus is

I believe that my innermost thoughts pave the road for my desires to be fulfilled

I believe that love is giving not taking

I believe that the impossible is possible

I believe that we were created for a purpose

I believe that we must live out our divine destiny

I believe that I must be led by the Spirit of God and not my thoughts or feelings

I believe that I must treat others like I want to be treated

I believe that I must write down my true feelings and experiences

I believe that I must keep trying and never give up

I believe that I am of a royal linage

I believe that the love of God abides deep within my heart

I believe that having an abundant life is based on what we do with our divine purpose.

I believe that Jesus Christ died for me,

Rose for me,

Chose me,

Appointed me,


Will come back for me!

I was Chosen for Such a time as This!

Written By: Evangelist Lottie Stearne

All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2014